Let's Start with Your Hook
Your Hook is the first and most critical piece of information on your homepage so really take some time to refine this. This should be easy to consume and super, super simple to understand… if you told this to someone who had no idea what you did would they understand it? If yes, congrats you’re on a roll. If no, keep at it – just keep refining it until you get this to something amazing.

Sympathise with your viewers…
Where are they at now? What do they need to know about how they can change this. Let them know it’s possible to change. That they don’t need to stay stuck in the same place day in and day out.
Connecting with your viewers pains, frustrations and doubts will allow them to develop a relationship with you, to know that you’ve been there and done that and have created a way to get them out of their own way.
This text also gives you an advantage when it comes to search engine optimisation and being found online. Use it wisely and include important links if relevant.

Point your users to your services + freebies

Service Number One
Include a brief introduction to your service here.

Service Number Two
Include a brief introduction to your service here.

Service Number Three
Include a brief introduction to your service here.
Always include killer testimonials
They’re the perfect way to show off your skills and provide social proof to buyers – it’s the best way to convince new readers to join your program.
Introduce yourself…
People want to see your face to get to know you, so here’s your chance.
Again this about section isn’t about YOU, it’s about connecting with your client.
Show them how you can help them transform and how you’ve done this yourself.